Weekly Sign-Up Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
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Phone Number
Campus Attend
I would like to receive the following:
Weekly Updates (emailed 1x per week)
Rightnow Media Invite - Free gift from Encounter Church (20,000+ free Bible Studies)
Text updates from Encounter Church
I Would like more information on the following:
Grow Track
Water Baptism
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Disciple Maker Class
I am interested in the following:
eMom's Thursdays at 9:30am
eVet's Ministry to Active Military and Veterans
Christmas Caroling Dec 19.
EPIC Christmas Party
Water Baptism January 19
Lincoln: I am interested in the following:
Lincoln Ladies Bible Study
Lincoln Men's Bible Study
I would like to help with the Lincoln Parade Float
I would like to walk in the Lincoln Parade.
I am interested in helping with the following outreach events.
Heber Hunt Mentoring for the 2024-2025 year.
Honduras Missions Trip 2025
I would like more information on the following ministry(ies)
E Kids Ministries (ministry to kids birth - 5th grade)
Encounter Student Ministries (Youth - grades 7-12)
Men's Minsitry
Women's Ministry
EPIC (55+) Ministry
Creative Arts Ministry
eVet's Ministry
Compassion Ministries
Outreach Ministries
I would like more information on the following Serve Team(s):
Guest Follow up Team
Tech Team (Audio/Visual/Lights/Cameral-Live feed)
Hospitality Ministry (Greeters, Connect Pointe, Coffee Bar, Usher)
Follow Up Team
Worship/Tech Team -Creative Arts Team
E Kids Ministry (Nursery, Junior, or E Kids)
Van/Bus Ministry
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